In these Terms & Conditions (except where a different interpretation is necessary in the context) the words and expressions set out below shall have the following meanings:

    1. Booking: a booking for the use of a net or other service in the Thurstan College Cricket (TC) made in accordance with Clause 2
    2. Charges: the charges payable by you for the use of nets or provision of services by Thurstan College during the Hire Period
    3. Code of Conduct: the player behaviour model requirements set out at Annexure A
    4. Excluded Days: those days for which nets are unavailable to be booked as listed on the Platform from time to time, and which may include,
      1. Days allocated for School’s Cricket Team ,including preparation days
      2. Large event days
      3. Days of other matches; and/or
      4. The period in which Nets are closed for maintenance activities
    5. Indoor Cricket Regulations: those Indoor Cricket regulations of Thurstan College from time to time, which can be viewed at the Website
    6. Hire Period: the period to which a Booking applies
    7. Start Time: the starting time for Hire Period as detailed on the Platform
    8. Terms & Conditions: these terms & conditions
    9. You / Hire: the person who offers to book the nets
    10. The Complex: Thurstan Cricket Indoor Complex.

    1. Nets are offered on a first come, first served basis and are subject to availability. 
    2. Bookings must be made online via the Platform or via telephone on 0770033433. Full payment is required at the time of making the Booking.
    3. Manager of Thurstan Indoor Complex will confirm a Booking by sms/email to the email address provided by you as part of the booking process (Confirmation Email or SMS). At this point a legally binding contract will space place between Thurstan College and you.
    4. If you make a Booking on behalf of a third party, you shall be deemed to be acting with authority of the person for whom you are making the Booking and for the avoidance of doubt this includes acting with authority of the person to agree to these Terms & Conditions.
    5. Nets are available to be booked throughout the year, with the exception of any Excluded Days.
    6. Thurstan College is not responsible for any technical glitches or malfunctions on the Platform or any other problems out of its control that result in a Booking not being properly received by Thurstan College.
    7. Thurstan College cannot accept any responsibility for any damage, loss, injury or disappointment suffered by you as a result of using the Platform or as a result of not obtaining a Booking.
    8. By making a Booking, you will be deemed to have accepted and agreed to be bound by these Terms & Conditions.
    9. Bookings for a net are limited to Ten (10) people.Start Times are subject to alteration and/or cancellation at very short notice.
    10. Entry to the Thurstan Indoor Nets shall be via the Gate number one (Adjoining the Colombo University). You must show your Confirmation Email to security before entry will be permitted.
    11. Bookings do not include parking. Parking is always subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed under any circumstances. No parking is available on days if there is a college function take place.
    12. Any decision to permit parking at Thurstan College premises is at college authorities’ sole discretion.

    1. You, the person making the Booking, are responsible for ensuring that you and anyone using the nets by virtue of your Booking (your Group) is aware of, and complies with, the following rules. We can cancel your Booking and/or require you and your Group to leave the Indoor nets, and Thurstan College premises in its entirety, if you or any member of your Group does not follow the rules and/or disobeys the instructions of the Manager of Thurstan College Indoor Complex or the Principal of the Thurstan College or one of his representatives.
    2. Access
    3. You and your Group are permitted to access the net area during the Hire Period only. You and your Group are not permitted to access the net area until the Start Time. Furthermore, you are not permitted to access any other areas of the Thurstan College or the Ground other than with the Thurstan College Principal’s prior written consent.
    4. Play is strictly confined to the net area. Persons are not permitted to play cricket or otherwise in any area outside the designated net area.
    5. You or your Group are not permitted to move the nets or equipment unless authorized by the Manager of Thurstan College Indoor Complex.
    6. Clothing and equipment
    7. All persons using the nets and the surrounding areas in the Indoor nets must wear indoor sports footwear, preferably white, at all times. Footwear with heavily ridged, studded or spiked soles is not permitted to be worn on the playing surface in the net area.
    8. The dress code in the Indoor is either conventional cricket whites or club cricket training attire. Apparel from other sports, such as football shirts, are not permitted to be worn. However, plain training attire is acceptable.
    9. All persons using the net facilities are required to provide their own cricket equipment, including cricket balls.
    10. No cricket equipment must be left in the nets or the surrounding area outside of the Hire Period.
    11. Other
    12. No food or drink is to be consumed in the net area of the Thurstan College Indoor Complex.
    13. In the event you or any member of your Group are involved in an accident or incident whilst you are at Thurstan College Indoor Complex, you agree to co-operate with any reporting procedures undertaken by Thurstan College from time to time, including providing your name and any contact details required.

    1. By making a Booking, you accept and acknowledge that:
    2. Thurstan College may conduct security searches of all belongings and/or outer clothing upon entry, exit or at any time whilst at Thurstan College. You agree to comply with all security checkings required for entry to Thurstan College. Thurstan College may refuse admission if you fail to comply with the relevant security checkings.
    3. For entry to Thurstan College, you are subject to the Thurstan College Indoor Complex Regulations and such health, safety and security rules and regulations which may be taken place from time to time, including without limitation in relation to COVID-19, and any variants of it or any other public health emergency.
    4. You shall ensure nothing is done which may constitute a breach of the law or which may be inappropriate, cause nuisance, danger, offence or inconvenience to Thurstan College or any other person in the Thurstan College, including but not limited to any Member of Thurstan College, staff, or contractor.
    5. You will treat Thurstan College staff and any other person present in the Thurstan College with respect at all times.
    6. You will at all times refrain from any conduct or behaviour which is discriminatory on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief or sex or sexual orientation.
    7. You must comply with the Code of Conduct.
    8. Subject to these Terms & Conditions, filming, including any Facetime or other mobile telephone interaction with a third party, is strictly prohibited during your net session without the prior written authorisation of Thurstan College Principal & the Secretary of School Development Society.
    9. All mobile devices should be switched off during a net session; the consumption of food and drink in the net area of the Thurstan College Indoor Cricket Complex is strictly prohibited. Chewing gum is not permitted in any area of the Thurstan College Indoor Cricket Complex.
    10. You are solely responsible for any personal possessions, including any vehicle, brought to Thurstan College. Thurstan College shall not be liable for any loss of, or damage to, such personal possessions.
    11. You are not permitted to bring in any flammable or other potentially dangerous or hazardous materials or equipment into Thurstan College or any other part of Thurstan College Indoor Cricket Complex.
    12. Children under the age of 16 years must be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age and older.
    13. Smoking, including vaping and e-cigarettes, is strictly prohibited in all areas of Thurstan College.
    14. The hirer must ensure that he/she or his/her representative is present throughout the booking period.
    15. The hirer must ensure the good conduct of all those participating in the booking, including spectators.
    16. The hirer must ensure he/she and all users comply with any reasonable request from a staff member of Thurstan College Cricket concerning the use of the premises and facilities.
    17. The hirer must ensure that he/she and all users leave the premises and facilities in a clean and tidy condition, and place all rubbish in the bins provided.
    18. Food and drink (except water) are not allowed in the main areas of activity.
    19. Studded / spiked footwear is not permitted to be worn in any part of the Indoor Cricket Complex.
    20. The hirer must immediately report any damage to the premises, facilities or equipment to Thurstan College Cricket Complex and accept responsibility for any damage caused during the period of hire by the group and will be liable for the costs of rectifying the damage.
    21. Balls are not provided with the bowling machine. Only bowling machine specific balls should be used. Do not use leather cricket balls or tennis balls.
    22. The hirer must ensure smoking, or consumption of alcohol is not permitted inside the centre.
    23. The hirer is responsible for their own health and safety and all those participating in the booking when using the facility, and agrees to take all sensible precautions to protect their/their group's own health and safety whilst doing so.
    24. The obligations set out in Clause 4.1 also apply to any member of your Group. You agree that you will bring these Terms & Conditions to the attention of your Group. If you fail to notify your Group of such, Thurstan College shall hold both you and the members of your Group responsible and liable for any failure to comply with these Terms & Conditions.
    25. Thurstan College shall have the right to prevent your access to or eject you from Thurstan College if you breach these Terms & Conditions without any liability to you by way of compensation, refund, re-entry or otherwise.
    26. Any visitors with accessibility needs are requested to email to thurstanindoor@gmail.com. Thurstan College will do its best to accommodate visitors with accessibility needs wherever possible.

    1. If, as a result of any circumstances which are outside the control of Thurstan College, including without limitation the imposition of any Government restrictions which prevents, inhibits or delays Thurstan College’s performance under these Terms & Conditions, Thurstan College shall cancel the corresponding Booking by giving notice to you via the email address provided as part of your Booking. Any cancellation shall be made in Thurstan College’s sole and absolute discretion without reason or explanation and such decision shall be final.
    2. If Clause 5.1 applies, Thurstan College shall use reasonable endeavours to make alternative arrangements, including rescheduling your Booking to an alternative day, or if not possible or practicable, cancel your Booking and issue a refund to you. No further liability shall be assumed by Thurstan College by way of compensation, or otherwise, including but not limited to any personal travel, accommodation, promotional or hospitality or other arrangements made in relation to a Booking or the cancellation of a Booking.

    1. Thurstan College reserves the right to cancel a Booking at any time prior to the date of the Booking. Thurstan College’s decision to cancel in such circumstance is final.
    2. If Clause 6.1 applies, Thurstan College shall use reasonable endeavours to make alternative arrangements, including rescheduling your Booking to an alternative day, or if not possible or practicable, cancel a Booking and issue a refund to you. No further liability shall be assumed by Thurstan College by way of compensation, or otherwise, including but not limited to any personal travel, accommodation, promotional or hospitality or other arrangements made in relation to a Booking or the cancellation of a Booking.
    3. Cancellation of Bookings must be confirmed to us in writing. If you cancel your Booking, the following cancellation charges will apply:
    4. If the Booking is for the full hall (i.e eight (8) nets) for two (2) or more hours, at least two (2) months notice of cancellation is required, otherwise all of the Charges will be retained by us (The Complex).
    5. If the Booking is for four (4) nets or more on the same day, at least one month’s notice of cancellation is required, otherwise all of the Charges will be retained by us (The Complex).
    6. If the Booking is for three nets or fewer, at least seven (7) days’ notice of cancellation is required, otherwise all of the Charges will be retained by us.
    7. Any amendments to any Booking for cricket initiation for tour groups, including any cancellations, must be provided at least two (2) weeks in advance of the date of the Booking, otherwise all Charges will be retained by us.
    8. No refunds or amendments will be accepted for any Bookings for holiday courses except in the case of illness or injury or at Thurstan College’s sole discretion. For cancellations in cases of illness or injury, a letter from a medical practitioner must be provided before any refund will be considered by Thurstan College.

    1. You shall be liable for all costs, losses and liabilities incurred by Thurstan College as a result of any damage to property of Thurstan College caused by you or a member of your Group and/or any act by you or a member of your Group.
    2. You are fully responsible for any injury to any person caused by you or a member of your Group.
    3. You and your Group attend the Thurstan College and use the net facilities at your own risk.
    4. You shall indemnify Thurstan College against all liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses suffered or incurred by Thurstan College and arising out of or in connection with any actions of, or damage caused by, you.
    5. Nothing in these Terms & Conditions shall exclude or limit the liability of any person for death or personal injury resulting from its wilful or negligent act or omission or any fraudulent conduct or that of any of its representatives or for any act, omission or matter, liability for which may not be excluded or limited under any applicable law.
    6. Subject to Clause 7.5, Thurstan College shall not be liable to you in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise arising out of or in connection with these Terms & Conditions for any loss, damage, cost or expenses suffered by you before, during or after Booking.
    7. In any event, Thurstan College’s total liability under, or in connection with your Booking whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, will not exceed the Charges.

    1. On occasion, net sessions may be filmed or photographed by Thurstan College for promotional purposes. If Thurstan College wishes to photograph or film your session, you will be required to complete a consent form signifying your consent to the use of any images or footage in future promotions. A separate permission slip must be completed by a parent, guardian or carer if children are to be photographed or filmed. If you or a member of your Group does not wish to have their session photographed or filmed they should inform the Thurstan College at the time of the Booking. No payment or royalties will be provided to any person whose image or footage is used for promotional purposes. A copy of the relevant permission slips (adult and children) is available from the Thurstan College on request.
    2. Thurstan College reserves the right to vary these Terms & Conditions, including without limitation to comply with any Government guidance or restrictions.
    3. No third party shall have any right to enforce any of these Terms & Conditions.
    4. These Terms & Conditions are subject to and governed by the Current laws of the Country.


    Cricket is a game enjoyed by millions around the world. It is a fun sport and we in the Indoor Cricket Centre want to ensure that all players gain maximum enjoyment from their sessions. This can be achieved by following the Thurstan College Spirit of Cricket message.

    The major responsibility for ensuring fair play in cricket rests with the players, coaches and, in junior cricket, teachers and parents.